Home news Protests Ensued In Down Town Kampala and in Nyendo Town Following Police’s...

Protests Ensued In Down Town Kampala and in Nyendo Town Following Police’s Arrest of Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentami


Protests ensued in down town Kampala and in Nyendo town in Masaka as news filtered through that the National Unity Platform (NUP) presidential candidate Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu alias Bobi Wine had been arrested in Luuka.

Kyagulanyi was arrested in Luuka district on Wednesday while addressing a campaign trail, which according to the police, was against the Electoral Commission directive of having not more than 200 people. He was transferred to Nalufenya in Jinja

People in downtown Kampala along Kisekka Market and in Nyendo, Masaka, took to the streets to demonstrate against the arrest and demanded an immediate release of Kyagulanyi. In Masaka, supporters blocked roads with tyres which they set of fire.

In Kampala, police fired teargas and bullets to disperse the growing crowds

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