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Gov’t Should set up a Commission of Inquiry to carry out investigation into these bizarre shootings-UPC’s Ayat Sharon


Jumah Kakomo|

UPC joins the Journalists and other people globally to celebrate the World Press Freedom Day that follows every year, on 3rd May.

This year’s theme is “Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of expression as a driver for all other human rights.”  The party spokes person Arach Oyat Sharon says, as UPC, they recognize the role of the media in our societies and its great contribution in the development of any given country. 

She says media has been instrumental in the fight against corruption which is the biggest problem of the country by exposing corruption scandals, for instance, the recent iron sheets saga and pothole plaque in Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) among others.

She says UPC calls upon all relevant authorities to respect and protect journalists while executing their duties.

“In the same vein, we encourage journalists to always ensure accuracy while reporting and fully observe their professional code of conduct to avoid libel and slander cases as we have witnessed in the past” she added.

Sharon says UPC has noticed two ugly scenes emerging from Acholi sub region about the contestation of charcoal burning and trade as a primary source of fuel to homes. This triggered some area leaders including Members of Parliament to put up a serious fight that brought in more players from the society and security wings opposing the cutting down of trees for charcoal on a big scale as it undermines the quality and efforts of preserving the environment at a critical time when global warming is at its peak and a real threat to humanity.

She adds that recently, a video clip made rounds on social media as two charcoal dealers were apprehended by the local communities in Acholi and subjected to serious humiliation as they were interrogated in manner that was dehumanizing. However, such efforts are merely addressing symptoms, but not the real causes of charcoal burning as an illegal activity in societies. Government should invest heavily in other alternative sources of energy.

The electricity supplied by UMEME is too expensive to be affordable by an ordinary family for cooking at home! Each unit of YAKA is billed at UGX. 1,000/=, which has left most of the people to use it for only lighting.

Gas is also very expensive and needs a lot of publicity to our people in rural areas and some urban parts who depend mainly on firewood and charcoal for cooking. Paraffin too is not any different.

This makes life very difficult! Many parts of the country are yet to benefit from the rural electrification program.

The head of UPC media and communication Fasal Muzeyi noted that the party has been on the forefront of fighting and calling upon the relevant authorities to ensure the preservation of our environment. However, reacting to symptoms and leaving the real causes is an effort in futility!

“We therefore urge Government to ensure that all areas across the country benefit from the rural electrification program, make electricity affordable, encourage use of biogas and briquettes, subsidize the price of gas as well as effective sensitization and mobilization of our people about this paradigm shift” he added.

Meanwhile the party has also joined the rest of Ugandans to mourn the demise of a labour state minister for lobour

In the early morning of Tuesday, 2nd May 2023, the country received shocking news of the brutal murder of the Minister of State for Labour Hon. Okello Engola Charles who was shot down by his own body guard Wilson Sabiiti from his home compound in Kyanja as he was getting into the car for work that left other security detail injured and nursing wounds in the hospital. This murder in cold blood undermines the integrity of the country regardless of the motives.

The party spokesperson Arach Oyat Sharon on Wednesday noted that (UPC) extends heartfelt sympathies to the families of the deceased, the people of Oyam, workers and the people of Uganda at large. This kind of act is condemned in its totality.

“No one has a right to take someone’s life. This is high handedness of the highest order. A gun is bought using the tax payer’s money and should be put to the best usage that promotes our country’s interest” she said.

She adds that UPC urges the Government to set up a Commission of Inquiry to carry out a thorough investigation into these bizarre shootings by some members of government and private security agencies that are claiming lives of people.

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