Joyce Namugambe
The Buganda Prime minister Owek Charles Peter Mayiga has appealed to students to desist from using drugs if they are to have a bright future. He had attended the schools cultural music festival called the Buganda Royal Art Shield Festival, at Kisubi Mapeera secondary school in Kisubi.
During this festival, students competed in presenting cultural songs, dance, and other presentations, and the winners were awarded.
The Katikkiro cautioned students to try as much as they can to stay away from drugs, because he has seen youth who have been misled by drugs thereby ruining their future goals.

He added that drugs mislead people into careless activities such as sexual intercourse and appealed to students to abstain from engaging into sexual intercourse when still in school, since AIDs is real, which can totally affect their health and destroy their future plans. And argued schools to endavour taking students to different rehabilitation centres with people affected by drugs, as away of discouraging them from using drugs.

He cautioned students to use their talents to benefit their lives siting examples of people who survive from their talents such as the Ghetto kids, who get their school fees from their talents.
Buganda Antony General Christopher Bwanika on behalf of the minister for education in Buganda Kingdom Owek. Prosperous Nankindu Kiberu, commended schools for developing students talents and argued them to continue teaching them their local languages to help them understand more of their languages and culture.

Owek Bwanika cautioned students to focus on succeeding in education to fulfill their parents desires and make their future bright. He challenged them to be selective among the friends they connect to, as many have been misled by their peers.
This festival takes place every year with an aim of educationing students about their culture, and this year’s festival theme was, “stay away from drug consumption to avoid the effects.”

The schools that have awarded are Kisubi Mapeera Senior Secondary School, Our lady of Africa Senior Secondary School Namilyango, Gombe high school, and Cleavers Origin primary school respectively.