The new appointed County chiefs and their Deputies of Buganda Kingdom for both internal and external counties have on Wednesday 5th July 2023 meet with Kingdom Prime minister Charles Peter Mayiga at the Kingdom headquarters, Bulange Mengo to go through or know their obligations and responsibilities they are mandated to and how to fulfill them within jurisdictions as the so that they can support kingdom’s activities and development.
Owek. Charles Peter Mayiga has commended them for the work they have done so far though mobilizing the people of Buganda to actively participate in Buganda’s developmental projects such as Emwanyi terimba and Oluwalo Project among others.
He has also argued them to endeavor educating the people of Buganda on general cleanliness and sanitation in their homes and surroundings, as a clean home is the first impression that people are willing to take on development issues.
However, Mr. Mayiga has appealed to these leaders to use the four Buganda developmental pillars such Creativity and Innovation, which will help them to encourage the people they lead to engage in different development activities, Hardworking, which will help them to fulfill their responsibilities, Transparency, which will help them to do their work with trust and Willingness, which will help them to take on their responsibilities willingly.
Meanwhile, the Kingdom’s Antony General Owek. Christopher Bwanika who doubles as the Minister for Local government has expressed gratitude towards the new leaders for their commitment in fulfilling their responsibilities.
Among the new leaders include, Kyadondo county chief; Kaggo, Owek Haji Ahmed Matovu Magandaazi, 1st Deputy Owek. Ronald Bakulu Mpagi, and the 2nd Deputy Owek. Dr. Phiona Kalinda, Deputy for Buluuli County Owek John Mary Sebaale, among others. And those in areas outside Buganda Kingdom boundaries include: Ankole Kigezi County Chief Owek. Haji Hassan Mutaasa Kafeero and his Deputy Owek. John Kalibbala. Busia Malaba and Tororo County, Owek. Joseph Senkumba, and his Deputy Owek. Ronald Kizito. Bugishu, Bukedi, Sebeyi, teso, Mbale County, Owek. Rashid Nsubugaand his Deputy Owek. Godfrey Seruyinda Kakungulu. Busoga County, Jane Nakiyinji bakabwiire and her Deputy Owek. David Senyonjo, RwenzoriCounty, Owek. Samuel Sempeebwa and his Deputy Owek. Sentongo Ibrahim.