The Commander Kampala Metropolitan Police, SCP Steven Tanui has ordered the arrest of all civilians who are impounding motorcycles (Boda Bodas).
The Commander also says that traffic operations on Boda Bodas should be carried out by Police Officers in uniform and that Traffic Personnel should be on the lead.
KMP Spokes person Mr. Patrick Onyango said. “The Commander of Kampala Metropolitan Police, SCP Stephen Tanui, has been receiving reports of individuals wearing civilian/plain clothes impounding motor cycles without the authority to do so.
To address this issue and ensure the safety and efficiency of motor cycle operations, The Commander Kampala Metropolitan Police has given the following directives:
All motor cycle operations must be conducted exclusively by police officers in uniform.
The operation should be led by Traffic Police officers, with support from other uniformed police officers.
No police officer, except Traffic Police, is authorized to impound a motor cycle. Any civilian found impounding motor cycles will be subject to immediate arrest and prosecution in court.
Motorcyclists are advised not to surrender their motor cycles to individuals wearing civilian/plain clothes.
In case of such attempts, they should promptly inform the police about the location of such unauthorized operations.
All impounded motor cycles must be taken to designated Police Stations and not any other location.
“No civilian should be involved at all times. Any officer who is found using civilians should be arrested together with the civilian,” says Tanui.
According to SSP Patrick Onyango PRO KMP, the commander says that no Boda Boda operator (rider) is allowed to impound a motorcycle of his fellow rider as those found doing so will be arrested and charged accordingly.
Any motor cycles previously impounded by boda leadership in Kampala should be released immediately to their rightful owners or be taken to the nearest police station.
These directives aim to ensure the security and transparency of motor cycle operations within Kampala Metropolitan Area.
We urge all residents and motorcyclists to cooperate fully with the police in implementing these measures. Your safety is our priority, and together we can create a safer environment for all.