Home featured stories Kalule Hussein elected vice president International Ludo Federation:

Kalule Hussein elected vice president International Ludo Federation:

Ludo president Kalule Hussein during 2019 Assembly held in Kampala.

President Uganda Ludo Federation Kalule Hussein was on Monday 29th July elected vice president of the international sport governing body ILF.

The 2019 International Ludo Federation Election held on Monday in New Deli India brought in new blood of about 90% on the Federation executive.Mr. Kalule Hussein was voted by 15 countries across the globe collected 32 votes and his opponent Mr. Ali Mohammad of Saudi Arabia who was the incumbent Vice president got 15 votes of the 47 cast.

Kalule will now have a four year term of office deputizing president Mr. Tariq Javed Ali who also defeated the incumbent president Mr. Rupak Debroy.

Mr. Rupak together with his colleagues still have four month run on their four year term of office and they are supposed to hand over the office to the new leadership on 1st January 2020.

Mr. Tariq Javed Ali president elect.

Mr. Joe Matheta of the Ludo league of South Africa was also elected general secretary of the ILF as well as Ravi Singh the only survivor from the out going leadership, Mr. Ravi Singh of the All India Ludo Federation was re-elected the ILF Secretary for Media.

Announcing the election results, Mr. Anindo Majumdar Chairman Election Committee, “it is my pleasure to announce the results of the 2019 Election. Thanks to all those who voted. We had an excellent turnout of 69.2%.
Mr. Tariq Javed Ali of the Ludo federation of Pakistan elected President of the ILF, together with Mr. Kalule Hussein V/P, Mr. Joe Matheta GS, and Mr. Ravi Singh Secretary for Media will serve a four-year term from January 1, 2020″.

“By the first formal meeting which can either be electronically done online or physically set, six new members
will be adopted, :Anindo said.
“The officers offer deep appreciation and thanks to all the three for their devoted service to the Federation”.
The 2019 ILF Election was conducted electronically using the secret simply voting website where members were solicited to vote via email.

Out of Twenty Six (26) bi-members eligible to vote in the 2019 ILF
election, 18 bi members (69.2%.) cast their votes. The absolute number of voters in the 2019 election increased by 5.4% over the absolute number of voters in the 2014 election. Turnout (percentage of eligible
voters voting) in 2019 increased by 0.5% as compared to that of 2014.

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  1. Thanks so much for those who elected.I think you voted a good person because Mr Kalule Hussein is a hard working person.Congs Ugandans and Africa at large.may God guide our ILF Vice President Mr Kalule Hussein.


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