Home news Buddo SS holds  Alumni reunion

Buddo SS holds  Alumni reunion

Buddo SS director Mr. Lawrence Muwonge(R) with the priest at the function held on Sunday(Photo/Joyce Namugambe)

Joyce Namugambe

Old Students of  Buddo Senior school have met for a reunion with an aim of coming back home together, and plan on  steps on how to network and help with issues concerning their school and themselves, to attain development goals.

Old students who attended this school since 1991 to 2022 turned up in big numbers and engaged in activities such as entertainment, sports, and others.

Among the alumni who attended were lawyers, teachers, Doctors, journalists,Therapists, footballers, Artists among others.

The School director and headteacher Mr. Lawrence Muwonge has noted that they have come up with the Alumni reunion idea for their old students to come back home together and inspire young ones who are still in school and form networks among themselves so that they can help each other in development and the school infrastructure development.

President of the Alumni Henry Kayondo said that to enhance financial immunity of the school and with lessons learnt from the covid 19 pandemic,  the school Alumni  early this year started Buddo SS old students investment club,  to help them with financial challenges, it so far comprises of 40 members with savings of 6.5million and they plan to achieve more and more members.

He Commended all old students who have turned up in big numbers and appreciated the organising  team that he leads, plus all the service providers noting the staff of Buddo ss, Buddo SS media team, Pepsi, centenary bank among others.

The deputy headteacher Deo Bukenya commended the organising committee for the colourful function and reminded the old students that this association has done alot of things and challenged the them to continue coming together to support their investment club for their individual development and the school at large.

On behalf of Doctors who went through Buddo S.S Herbert Babigumira, extended gratitute over the school administrators for organising, and  he cautioned students to trust in God, concentrate and believe in themselves sothat they achieve their dreams.

One of the teachers and the Doctors, Kinene Gerald Katende, expressed gratitute towards mr. Muwonge for training and narturing them, and then gave  him chance to come back and serve at the school.

George Kaye on behalf of legends who started buddo in 1991, said that they have love for their school and cautiones students that out there is not so easy but they should endavour to add value on their education qualifications sothat they fit into the he competitive job markets.

The Deputy headteacher of Buddo SS Deo Bukenya has officially launched the Buddo old students investment club and encouraged people to join.

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