Home business Deputy Kaggo opens cooperative union offices in Kasangati.

Deputy Kaggo opens cooperative union offices in Kasangati.


Deputy Kaggo for Kyadondo Dr. Phionah Kalinda has officially opened cooperative Sacco union offices which are to be used for members to save and access loans for them to engage in developmental activities.

Dr. Phiona Kalinda has officiated the opening of these offices representing the Kaggo for Kyadondo Owek Haji Matovu Magandaazi, which took place at Sub county headquarters in Kasangati. She was accompanied by the Rdc for kasangati Frank Kyazze.

Kaggo has encouraged people in Kyadondo to endavour forming cooperative unions sothat they they can borrow money and invest in different businesses as this will help them to fight against poverty among themselves.

The chairman for cooperative union in Kyadondo Daisy Wanyana Kimbowa said that they have already started putting the Kabaka’s call in consideration of working together for development, through using the savings from their cooperative Sacco to make wines which is sold to people especially on functions to earn aliving.

Daisy added that their cooperative union makes soap which they train the people in the kingdom so that they learn skills that can help them fight against poverty among themselves.

Kasangati Rdc Frank Kyazze has called upon leaders especially in Kyadondo to use his office to get government connections on how to get funds that can help them improve on their income and livelihood.

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