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Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, the Most Rev. Dr. Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu’s 61st Independence Message


Joyce Namugambe

Dear brother Bishops and Maamas, The Clergy and The Laity, Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

 Uganda is celebrating 61 years of independence. We thank God for the journey we have traveled as a country. We should appreciate God for the good things we have achieved and ask for forgiveness where we have fallen short of His glory.

As we celebrate 61 years let us be reminded of Jesus’ words “When the Son of Man sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). We pray for that freedom from sins and from all sorts of things that make us entangled or diverged from the right path.

What kind of Uganda do we need in order to be free indeed?  We need a;

1.  God fearing Country

2.  Educated Country

3. Healthy Country

4. Harmonious/ Peaceful Country.

5.  Prosperous Country.

May God help us to pursue what is good and what doesn’t contradict our Motto “For God and My Country?”

May God reachout to all our Political leaders especially the President of Uganda and First Lady and The Executive, Chief Justice and Judiciary, Speaker of Parliament and Legislature, Cultural, Civic and Religious leaders.

May God bless all Ugandans and meet each one of them at their point of needs.

  Happy 61st Independence Celebrations.


The Most Rev Dr. Stephen Samuel Kaziimba, Archbishop of the Church of Uganda and Bishop of the Diocese of Kampala.

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