Home news UCE candidate Candidate gives birth to a bouncing baby girl during examination

UCE candidate Candidate gives birth to a bouncing baby girl during examination

Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) spokesperson Jennifer Kalule(Photo/File)

Joyce Namugambe

After S.4 candidates around the country started their Uganda Certificate of education final exams on Monday 16/10/2023, the process has been moving on well from day 1 to day 4 without any serious challenges until one candidate from one of the centres around Kampala delivered a bouncing baby girl on day 4.

This candidate had effectively written her papers on the first 3 days but did not have the papers on day 4 so she stayed at home. According to the parents, she started getting labor pains at around 1:30pm and was taken to the hospital where she delivered her baby by 4pm. She is due to sit for her Physics paper 3 today on 20/10/2023.

Still on day 4, a sad incident involving the death of a Special Needs Education candidate who was a sickle cell sicklier was reported.

On the previous day, the candidate had written both her mathematics papers. Although it is said that in the afternoon, she was very weak and could hardly write.

The school had therefore requested UNEB to provide a transcriber to help her write the rest of the examinations starting on day 4. When the UNEB support personnel went to the school yesterday morning, the candidate was in the sick bay. Her situation however worsened and she was taken to the hospital. The school administration was shortly after informed that the girl had passed on.

On the other hand, according to the UNEB principal public relations officer Jennifer Kalule Musamba, UNEB scouts have reported suspected cases of malpractices for the practical papers where some candidates wrote experimental results without performing experiments.

 Such results were reported for both biology and chemistry practical papers. According to the manual on the conduct of examination, such acts are an indication of examination malpractices.

UNEB congratulates the candidate who delivered a baby girl, and as well condoles the school and the family of the candidate who passed on.

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