As the Ministry of health is undertaking the campaign to sensitize the public about cervical cancer and the way women should avoid it, men have been urged to join the campaign and encourage their wives to go for cervical cancer test.
According to Doctor Joseph Okware, women above 25 years are required to do cervical cancer tests since it can be treated especially when detected earlier.
In addition, girls aged 10 – 14 also have to do the tests to prevent them from being affected by the Human Papilloma virus which transmits cervical cancer.
The dosage used to immunise women and girls against cervical cancer should be taken twice, the second one to be taken 6 months after the first one.
Meanwhile, the public has been warned against taking alcohol, smoking, and other habits as it exposes them to risks of contracting cancer. They are urged to endeavor exercising, eating fruits, greens and vegetables to keep their bodies healthy.