Home news Museveni launches NRM party membership register update exercise

Museveni launches NRM party membership register update exercise


The NRM National Chairman and President of the Republic of Uganda H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has launched a display and update of the party membership register. The function took place at party headquarters at plot 10 Kyadondo Road, Nakasero, Kampala.

The President was informed by the party Secretary General Rt Hon. Richard Todwong that the existing register has been cleaned and only 11.4M out of the 17 Million were maintained.

Mr Museveni said the register is now in the hands of the village NRM members who know themselves. “Last minute conversions from other political parties have to be scrutinised carefully before being registered as NRM members and the villagers should confirm that such persons have been pro-NRM in the NRM village activities.”

He guided that the village assembly/ barazas should confirm that such people crossing from other political parties have good intentions towards the NRM before being admitted into the NRM party.

Addressing the party members, President Museveni urged the party cadres to clearly understand the four core principles of the NRM; Patriotism, Pan-Africanism, socio-economic transformation and democracy, so that they can solve the problems of Ugandans.

“Mobilisation, holding meetings and all those other efforts will be very easy if you go back to the NRM principles. The principles of the NRM are a diagnosis of the problems of Uganda. Those principles are at first a diagnosis; what is this Uganda suffering from? And then a prescription. Therefore, as you mobilise, first of all, understand these principles very clearly. That is why you, the leaders, must be different from the followers. A follower doesn’t have to understand the depth of the matter, he needs a summary,” President Museveni stressed.

The NRM’s first National vice Chairman, Al Hajj Moses Kigongo appealed to officials entrusted with registration to do it with a high level of discipline and transparency.

“Be calm because you are going to be asked very many questions. Don’t answer questions that you cannot answer, consult where you are not sure. You must update the register,” Kigongo said.

Unlike the past where we used to update the register at the headquarters, the NRM Secretary General, Rt. Hon. Richard Todwong said this round the party shall have sub-regional data centres after collecting data from the villages, compiled at the sub-region data centres before forwarded to the party headquarters. 

Todwong said that after assuming office, as Secretary General in 2021, “I found a very disjointed team of the Electoral Commission and that of the party secretariat, but as I talk today, we work as a team. And I pledge that we shall prepare a very credible party register.”

As a party, Mr Todwong committed to ensuring that the party continues with President Museveni’s legacy and goodwill, “As a party, we call upon you to offer yourself for the party in 2026.”

Todwong warned members against subversive activities and actions that undermine the party code of conduct and any cliques within the party that bring the party to disrepute “Our allegiance is in our party chairman.”

NRM Electoral Commission Chairman Dr Tanga Odoi said the update and registration shall take place starting March 13th to 17th 2026, “there will be a display of the NRM register in all the 72,000 villages and there will be the village barazas on the 17th March 2024.”

The Vice President Her Excellency Jesica Alupo, members of the NRM Central Executive Committee (CEC), leaders of the NRM secretariat, Ministers, MPs and NRM district chairpersons also attended the function. 

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