Home Netball Controversy as Munyagwa football,netball 2019 fiesta ends.

Controversy as Munyagwa football,netball 2019 fiesta ends.

Hon. Munyagwa inspecting teams before the kick off.

Munyagwa Netball,football fiesta ended in tears Kazinga Senene dc and Bwaise II netball team won Munyagwa 2019 fiesta.

Basses II defeated Nabukala in closely contest 30-29 win in the netball finals held at Katanga grounds.

Nabukalu (pink) vs Bwaise II (white).

Whereas Kazinga Senene FC won football over Makerere Motor Works FC on 3-2 penalty contraversal done by tournament owner Hon. Munyagwa Mubaraka after a 1-1 normal time drawing.
Kazinga Senene FC and Makerere FC were among the 25 football teams participate in the 2019 tournament.

The first half ended in a goalless draw, until in the 50 minutes when Kasim scored the first goal the first oh the day putting Kazinga Senene FC in the lead before Makerere motor works FC reacted quickly in the 54 minutes by Mubiru Yafasi to level the game . each team worked hard to get the winning goal but the game ended in a 1-1 all draw to send the game to directly penalty shout out.

In the kicks, K’Senene FC was leading 3-2 when fans from either side entered the pitch fighting each other protesting to the bad officiation by the referees according to them, hence forcing the game to end prematurely but Hon: Munyagwa the funder of the tournament decide to declared K’Senene FC the winner and awarded them with three million Uganda shillings (3000,000, ,Makerere Motor Works FC got one million Uganda shilling (1000,000)

All the eight teams reached the quarter final also got five hundred thousand Uganda shilling each (500,000)

Money and other prizes were given out by the reslater to the dependingon their performances in both football and Netball , as follows bellow:

Winners in football Kazinga Senene FC and Bwaise II in Netball were awarded sh 3000,000 plus one Bull each.

Runners up Makerer motor works FC and Nabukalu walked away with sh1000,000 plus two he goats each.

Third and youth, Katale all stars FC and Kawala Road fc received sh 500,000 each as well as fifth team to eighth team.

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