Home golf Amateur golfers get sh13 million boost ahead of Uganda Golf Open

Amateur golfers get sh13 million boost ahead of Uganda Golf Open

Cwinyai favourite (Photo/File)

Former champion Joseph Cwinyaai, together with Titus Okwong, Morris Asaba and Gary Gonza have received a sponsorship boost of $3,500(sh13.104 million) from US based company Inkozi ahead of Wednesday’s tee off of the 82nd Johnnie Walker Uganda Golf Open Golf Championship at the Uganda Golf Club.

For any finish in the top 5, Inkozi will also sponsor their participation in amateur events in Uganda for 6 months while those who finish in the top 10 will receive Inkozi apparel, food, and gift cards. The package has six golf shirts, six golf pants, six golf gloves and 3 dozen golf balls.

Victory in future local golf events will also see entry fees for the four in amateur events in Uganda covered for the next 12 months, a press release from Inkozi states.

Inkozi, is a technology company that is founded by Bert Seale father of 2016 Uganda Pro Open winner Joshua Seale.

Cwinyaai, tees off Wedensday at 10am with the Union president Moses Matsiko, John Basabose, Sam Kacungira. Cwinyaai expressed his determination in one line; “Battle Lines have been drawn let the game begin.”

Titus Okwong, who was until recently based in North Carolina, said “The sponsorship gives me confidence going into this tournament.” He recently returned to Uganda and has been a helping up coming golfers in the country to secure golf scholarships in the USA.

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