Home celebrity Bishop Jjumba urges couples to keep their marriages in the Lord

Bishop Jjumba urges couples to keep their marriages in the Lord


Bishop of Masaka Diocese Severus Jjumbo has urged couples to keep their marriages in God so that He guides them in the running of their relationships.

He mentioned this as he was officiating the wedding of Charles Bbaale Mayiga son of the Buganda Premier Owek Charles Peter Mayiga and Mrs Margret Mayiga, with Sonia Elizabeth Nabagereka daughter of Peter Kasirye and Ms. Lilian Nayigaga at Lubaga Cathedral and the reception at Serena hotel in Kampala on 10/02/2024.

Bishop Jjumbo told Mr and Mrs Mayiga to trust the Lord with their marriage as it is the only way to run their relationship smoothly.” You are going into a covenant and exchange of persons and dedicating your hearts to each other.” Bishop Jjumba emphasised.

Chief Justice Alphonse Owonyi Dollo urged the couple to respect the marriage vows they took so that they keep it moving and above all maintain the respect from the families they come from. ” You should know that whatever you do, good or bad, will reflect on your parents, will reflect on your extended families.” He noted.

The speaker of Parliament Annet Annita Among commended the couple for the wedding and challenged people against homsexuality and respect the bill that was passed, taking the example from Mr. and Mrs. Mayiga.

Speaker Among appreciated the families of the couple for grooming their children knowing the values, norms and tradition of their country. She gifted the couple with 10 cows.

The function was attended by the Queen of Buganda HRH Sylvia Nagginda, Nnaalinnya Dorothy Nassolo, Nnaalinnya Lubuga Agnes Nabaloga, Katikkiro Owek Charles Peter Mayiga and His wife Margret Mayiga, Chief Justice Alphonse Owinyi Dollo, Speaker of parliament Annet Annita Among, representatives from the central government, religious leaders, Mps, Buganda chiefs and Buganda Ministers, among other people.

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