First Lady, Janet Kataha Museveni who also doubles as the education minister has cautioned Pastors who bring trends of the world to their churches as a way of attracting numbers.
In her message delivered by lands minister, Judith Nabakooba at The 4th Annual Mid-Year Minister’s Conference at Calidality Worship Center Church, Kyotera district on June 29, Ms Museveni said that Church ministers falsely perceived that in an effort to be relevant to the younger generation, many ministries today choose to live in accordance with the fashions, culture, and language of the world, believing that this is one way of identifying with those they desire to reach with the Gospel.
She strongly cautioned the Church against taking this approach to “effectively ministering” to this generation, because it paradoxically leads to the Church being “discipled” by the world”.
“Leaders, I beseech you as you shepherd the body of Christ, to avoid compromising our values, standards and beliefs. Instead teach them to obey everything He has commanded us. This is the challenge I leave with you today, as you hold conversations on effectively ministering to this generation, ” she said
She added: “The Bible mentions several leaders who proactively encouraged the character and leadership development of those in their charge. Therefore, by establishing a relationship with Church leaders and positioning them to be effective in ministering to this generation, you are following in their footsteps.”
At the same event , the education, Nabakooba on behalf of Ms Museveni commissioned the new classroom blocks of Calidality Christian School built by Pr. Ronald Ssentamu under his Ministry.
She emphasised exemplary leadership, citing Timothy 2:15 that reads: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth”.
She revealed that she understands that there are Church Ministers who intentionally undermine the efforts of those who try to correct them and they end up misleading their followers.
“I have observed and have concerns that the body of Christ in Uganda currently faces the challenge, of some leaders who are unwilling to be held accountable; resulting in them resisting correction, when they are “called out”, for misconduct or for misleading their flock,” She noted.
At the event, Nabakooba gave hope to road users of Masaka-Kyotera that President Museveni ordered General Edward Katumba Wamala, the Minister of Transport to work on it.
Pr Ssentamu said he started the school to transform his home village and provide free education to the needy.
Calidality Christian school started in 2012 with temporary class rooms made of wood and papyrus but it has since transformed to flats, taking children from Kindergarten to secondary.