Home news I will assist gov’t to fight poverty- Okello Engola

I will assist gov’t to fight poverty- Okello Engola

The Oyam North aspirant on the NRM ticket, Samuel Okello Engola addressing voters on Friday(Photo/Courtesy)

The Oyam North aspirant on the NRM ticket, Samuel Okello Engola has assured supporters that he will work with the government to expedite the flagship programs of fighting poverty like the Parish Development Model and Emyooga when elected into parliament. 
Okello Engola told locals on Friday 23 June 2023 as he wooed his supporters in the Ngai sub-county. He is seeking to replace Col. (Rtd) Charles Okello Engola who died in early May this year. 

Mr OKello said, “You are very hardworking people, especially in agriculture. I will follow up on empowerment initiatives like the PDM so that you can access resources to enhance productivity and income if you send me to parliament.” 

“I also plan to assist the young people to promote talents in the sports field by establishing a ‘Macodwogo’ tournament,” Okello said. He explained that the event will also create a platform through which the youth can be guided on how to improve their lives. 

He commended the NRM party Chairman and President Yoweri Museveni for remembering Col.Engola’s contributions to Uganda’s stability and development. “You (President Museveni and the NRM party) have not forsaken us and I pledge loyalty to you,” Okello said. 

The Chief mobiliser of the NRM party Hon. Rosemary Seninde said the supporters are receptive and fully support the candidature of Samuel Okello to preserve the legacy of the late Col. Engola. 

“The former area Member of Parliament performed well and so people believe that his son can pick the mantle to complete the remaining two years in the August house,” Hon. Seninde said as she addressed journalists at one of the rallies in Ngai Sub County. 

Seninde added that the people in Oyam North want an MP who will relate well with the government to improve service delivery rather than an opposition legislator who will fight the implementation of people-centred programs like the PDM, Emyooga, and UPE among others. 

The Director of Communication, Hon. Emmanuel Dombo said the NRM player was injured and so should be replaced by another player from the same club. 

“It is prudent that the people of Oyam North substitute the late Macodogo with Okello Engola who also comes from the NRM party and is not a member of the opposition,” Dombo said as he appealed to voters. 

Dombo added that the population is very supportive of Engola’s family and also loves NRM. “We want to encourage those who previously did not vote NRM to choose its flag bearer in this by-election for the general good of the county,” Mr Dombo added. 

While welcoming a group of youth who joined the ruling party from the opposition, the Director of Finance and Administration, Hajat Medina Naham said the youth had made the right decision of abandoning the opposition because they have nothing to offer.

“The NRM party has tangible plans in its manifesto of improving the lives of all categories of people like encouraging industrialization to create jobs and wealth for the youth,” Medina said. 

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