Home news Kampala Central division Mayor Elect NRM’s Salim Uhuru, reveals why NRM...

Kampala Central division Mayor Elect NRM’s Salim Uhuru, reveals why NRM lost In Kampala and Buganda.


Salim Saad Uhuru Nsubuga, the National Resistance Movement-NRM party candidate won the Kampala Central division Mayoral seat in the just concluded general elections who was declared elected by the Kampala Central Returning Officer, Doreen Musiime.

According to the poll results announced by Musiime, Uhuru got 13,114 votes against 10,654 votes garnered by his closest and National Unity Platform rival, Hamudan Kigozi Semugoma.

The incumbent Kampala Central Mayor and Democratic Party candidate, Charles Musoke Sserunjogi came third with 5,318 followed by independent candidate, Patrick Mugisa with 2,095 and Lameck Sewanyana, another Independent candidate garnered 820 votes.

The Forum for Democratic Change-FDC candidate Isah Ssemaganda got 531 votes followed independent candidate, George Wakula with 312 votes, followed by Independent Isaya Kavuma with 166 while independent candidate, Emmanuel Tebajjukira trailed with 79 votes.

The total number of valid votes cast was 33089 while invalid ballot papers were 565 and spoiled ballots were 41.
Speaking to journalists after greeting to some of his supporters in Kampala on Wednesday, Uhuru said that he is glad that he has delivered the only victory to the NRM in the Kampala Central mayoral race despite NRM party has totally kicked out from Kampala district.
“Am happy because people showed portrayed love to elect me as Kampala central division mayor as a person but not as NRM party member because NRM party greatly lost in Buganda, he added.

Asked what could the problem to vote out NRM from Buganda region, Uhuru revealed various reasons such as internal bickering within the party, undermining of people, poor service delivery, disassociation of party members from local people who are highly engaged in voting among others.
” Some of the reasons why I managed to make it is God’s blessing, continuous association with electorates, oral skills and so on which my comrades have some how lacked, he said.
He adds that, despite NRM was beaten in Buganda, but its still the strongest political party in the country Uganda, however he rubbished the Trade minister Amelia Kyambadde’s statement made that, NRM lost in Buganda because they have over stayed in power which Uhuru opposes saying politics is like love and dynamic citing out also an example of Cham Cha Mapinduzi in one of East African countries Tanzania.

Uhuru also disclosed some of the areas of focus in his term such as improving health sector, education, drainage channels, roads, floods, public markets, unemployment specifically within youths among others to ensure that each and every person shares on the national cake however little it is, however he called upon his colleagues to remain stand united, and his opponent to join him to work together as a tool of improving and effectively extend services of all types to the masses.

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