Home news Kaweesi murder suspects re-arrested.

Kaweesi murder suspects re-arrested.


The eight AIGP Andrew Felix Kaweesi murder suspects have been re-arrested shortly after being granted bail.

The suspects on September 11, have been rearrested just after the Assistant registrar Ms Esther Nasambu of International Crimes Division of the High Court handing them with their release orders pending the hearing of their case.

The suspects are facing murder charges of killing former police spokes person Andrew Felix Kaweesi, his bodyguard Kenneth Erau and driver Godfrey Wambewa.

The eight suspects who were re-arrested include; Yusuf Mugerwa alias Wilson, Joshua Magezi Kyambadde alias Abdu Rahman, Jibril Kalyango alias Abu Aisha and Yusuf Siraje Nyanzi alias Jimmy Ssentamu.

However, four of their co-suspects; Shafik Kasujja and Bruhan Balyejusa alias Jimmy Masiga Ogutu, Noordin Higenyi alias Taata Abdallazak and Abdul Rashid Mbaziira have not been released from custody because they have other pending charges before Mukono and Nabweru courts respectively.

Kasujja and Balyejusa will appear on Thursday before the Nebweru magistrate’s court for verification of their warrants.

While at court the group learnt that would be re-arrested and thus tried to escape in one of their lawyer’s car Mr James Mubiru who was also held by the neck and dragged into a van which was awaiting for them.

Armed personnel in civilian clothes struck and rearrested before leaving the court premises in a white van Toyota Hiace Registration Number UAF 257E leaving their relatives helplessly looking at them.

Family members of the suspects where left in tears wondering where their people were being taken. However their lawyer Anthony Wameli told them that they had no option but to run back to court.

On August 6, Justice Lydia Mugambe ordered for their release stating that they had presented at least three substantial sureties and thus they qualify to be granted a bail.

Among the bail terms, the judge ordered each of the accused to pay none cash bond of Shs150m while their sureties Shs250m and also reporting to the court registrar every 19th day of the month until the end of the trial and that they should not travel outside the country.

Particulars of the case state that the accused on March 17, 2017 at Kulambiro in Kampala shot dead Kaweesi, Erau and Wambewo. They are facing charges of murder, terrorism and robbing the deceased of a gun and a pistol after the murder.

On the count of terrorism, the prosecution contends that the suspects and others still at large, between January and March 17, in Kampala, Wakiso, Mukono and Jinja among other places, with intent to influence the government and intimidate the public for social, economic and political gains, involved themselves in terrorism.

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