The Kisubi based teams have dominated the fifth woodball corporates circuit which was held at City High School, Lugogo. University of Kisubi (unik) won overall ladies while Kisubi corporates won men overall. This was the second last outing and the sixth and last outing will be held at University of Kisubi at the date to be communicated.
The heavy rain didn’t stop the games to continue with excellent performers from various competitors.
The result were as follows;
Single ladie
1-Nolan Babirye from unik with 90 strokes
2-Juan Najjuma from vision group with 106 strokes
3-Fiona Namata with 106 strokes
Single men
1-Jackson Madika from Kisubi corporates with 86 strokes
2-Kelebu Kizza with 96 strokes
3-Michael Makoha with 98 strokes
Doubles men
1-Sylvester and Senteza from unik
2-Ronald Gumikiriza and Nuwagaba
3-Amfred Kyalisima and Ssekajja
Doubles women
1-Nolan Babirye and Ndagire from unik
2-Annet Nanyonjo and Nassuna
3-Joweria and Najjuma
1-Peter Mutyaba and Annet Amoding
2-Nolan Babirye and Jackson Masika
3-Fred and Fiona Namata
Overall ladies
2-Vision Group
3-Ministry of public service
Overall men
1-Kisubi corporates
2-Ministryvof public service
3-Bugema university