Home news Minister Kaboyo calls for the fight against land grabbing in Luwero district

Minister Kaboyo calls for the fight against land grabbing in Luwero district


State Minister in the office of the Prime Minister for Luwero triangle and Rwenzori region Hon Alice Kaboyo urged the leaders in Luwero to work together to fight against land grabbing that is becoming rampant in the district and the country at large.

Hon Kaboyo was commissioning a two classroom block, a store, an office, and a five stance pit latrine at kapeeka Primary School in Luwero district on 19/03/2024.

She encouraged people in Luwero especially those who know the history of the land around Semuto, Kapeeka and Masuliita to work together and arrest all those people who claim to be coming from the state house and other big positions since they are imposters.

She commended the headteacher, management and PTA of Kapeeka Primary school for the smooth running of the school and encouraged them to work towards developing the school buildings and set up gardens as away of beautifying the school and at the same time benefit the pupils diet.


The state Minister for Kampala Hon Kabuye Kyofatogabye encouraged people in Kapeeka to work hard towards educating their children as those who don’t invest in education are enemies to their own families, their village and the country at large.

He challenged parents to work together with the school management to see a good performance from their children through supporting their children’s education requirements such as lunch fees.” We are fighting hard to see that Nakaseke’s education system shines, so we need to work together to see a reality.” Minister noted.

The Headteacher of Kapeeka Primary School Abbey Mukwaya reported to the Minister the challenges that need to be addressed for the school to run smoothly such as lack of enough teaching staff, the school has no library, Lack of stable water source, some parents don’t want to pay school fees among others.

However, he appreciated the President of Uganda for the continuous support through school infrastructural development, UPE capitation grant and global education materials to help the vulnerable girls.

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