Home news Ministry of Gender to provide more support to the youth.

Ministry of Gender to provide more support to the youth.


Joyce Namugambe

In an effort to fight against poverty among the youth and encouraging them to work, the ministry of Gender, labor and social development continues to provide more funds to the youth to enable them work and improve on their livelihood.

The youth in different parts of the country have engaged in different business ventures and most of them have been seen doing hands on programs which is making it different from other cases where the youth were idle, that pushed them in different crimes leading to imprisonment.

The communications, advocacy and partnership officer in youth livelihood program in the ministry of gender, labour and social development Joshua Kyalimpa, noted that the ministry has different programs that support the youth to develop themselves such as providing machines to them, as away of encouraging them to transform to modern production for quality production of their goods, thereby enabling them to increase on their productivity.

He adds that the ministry is planning to provide more funds to the youth through improving their businesses from one level to another sothat more employment opportunities are provided to the youth.

Joshua adds that this in the long run will reduce the rate of informal sector in the country and the government will benefit through provision of more employment opportunities and earn revenue from such enterprises.

One of the youth from B and N innovators association Ngiya Anthony, is among the youth group that make electrical saucepans, said that they came up with this idea to reduce the rate at which people cut down trees for charcoal and firewood through using their saucepans, which boils within ashort period of time.

Anthony says they need more support to produce more quality saucepans, sothat they can get more market and earn money from their products. He said that this has helped them to keep themselves busy and avoid engaging in evil acts.

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