Home healthy Ministry of Health Launches the Uganda Clinical Guidelines 2023

Ministry of Health Launches the Uganda Clinical Guidelines 2023


On behalf of MOH, Director of Public Health, Dr. Daniel Kyabayinze officially launched the revised Uganda Clinical Guidelines (UCG) 2023, the Essential Medicines & Health Supplies List for Uganda 2023, and the Essential Medicines & Health Supplies Management Manual.

The Ministry of Health developed the UCG and EMHSM manual with support from USAID/Uganda, Strengthening Supply Chain Systems Activity, to improve healthcare quality by offering health workers comprehensive and up-to-date information to effectively manage the country’s prevalent health issues.

In a speech read by Dr Kyabayinze, the Minister of Health highlighted the importance of the guidelines saying that, “The Uganda Clinical Guidelines (UCG) 2023 will help in presenting updated practical and useful information on diagnosing and managing common health conditions in Uganda, thereby providing accessible, equitable and quality services to the population. “

Acting Commissioner for Health Services, Department of Pharmaceuticals and Natural Medicines, Dr. Seru Morris said, “This 4th edition of the UCG 2023 will provide evidence based, practical and implementable guidance to offer the most cost-effective and affordable treatment for priority health conditions in the country.

He added that the UCG 2023 is a valuable tool to support daily clinical practice by providing a reliable reference for health workers on the appropriate management of Uganda’s common health condition and to promote availability of medicines at all levels of care.

Among the participants were, USAID, Management Sciences for Health (MSH), PEPFAR, National Medical Stores, National Drug Authority, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), Global Fund, UNFPA, UNICEF, Chemonics, HEPS-U, Regional Referral Hospitals, Makerere University, Medical Teams Uganda Ltd, Medical Access, IRC, Living Goods, SAMASHA, among others.

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