Home football Newly appointed Kasana Luwero Bishop visits the Katikkiro of Buganda.

Newly appointed Kasana Luwero Bishop visits the Katikkiro of Buganda.

Owek. Mayiga(R) shakes hand with his visitor Msgnr Lawrence Mukasa at Bulange Mengo on Friday (Joyce Namugambe)

Joyce Namugambe

The newly appointed Bishop of Kasana Luwero has visited the Prime minister of Buganda Owekitiibwa Charles Peter Mayiga ahead of his service as the new Bishop.

During their meeting in Bulange Mengo, Owekitiibwa Charles Peter Mayiga has congratulated the new Bishop upon getting to that level and wished him well during his service.

He said that the new office might be so challenging the fact that everything will be new to him, but arged him to hold on until he overcomes all the challenges that will come his way as a leader.

Owek. Mayiga(R) with Msgnr Lawrence Mukasa in Bulange (Joyce Namugambe)

Owek. Mayiga has challenged the new Bishop to start with ensuring the well being of the people he is going to lead through preaching healthy tips and welfare to live a good life as this will make his work of serving the people easy for him.

However, Owek Mayiga has asked Bishop Mukasa to work together with Buganda Kingdom to eliminate poverty among the people he is going to lead, by encouraging them to grow coffee through the Buganda Kingdom Emwanyi Terimba project.

He has as well commended the former Katikkiro of Buganda Owekitiibwa Eng JB Walusimbi, for initiating the selling of Buganda Certificates which according to him, has greatly helped to get income that has supported Buganda kingdom activities.

Msgnr. Lawrence Mukasa has extended his gratitude towards the Katikkiro for giving him chance to visit him ahead of his new office.

He pledged to work with Buganda Kingdom to improve on the well being of his people through encouraging them to join such projects as Emwanyi Terimba project.

The Katikkiro has gifted Msgnr Lawrence Mukasa with the book he wrote entitled Work and prosper which will help him pick some verses about work while preaching, so that he can change the lives of the people he leads.

Msgnr. Lawrence has brought a certificate of 500.000 shillings as away of supporting the Buganda Kingdom activities.

The Episcopal ordination consecration of Msgnr. Lawrence Mukasa as the 3rd Bishop of Kasana Luwero is scheduled to take place on Saturday 05 August 2023 at the Diocesan headquarters.

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