Home news NGOs appeal government to let people access information

NGOs appeal government to let people access information


With just few days to commemorate “International Day of universal Access o Information on 28th/09/2020, Non government organisations (NGOs) have expressed dissatisfaction over the violation of access to information.

NGOs include transparency international Uganda, African Freedom of information centre, and Sauti Za Wananchi Twaweza East Arica say many people find it difficult to access information which keeps them in darkness with its associated problems.
On 15th October 2019, the 74th UN General Assembly (UNGA) proclaimed 28the September as the International Day for Universal Access to information. This year, therefore, marks the first commemoration of the international Day for Universal Access to information since its adoption by the UN General Assembly last year.
The right of access to information has been long recognized by international and regional human rights instruments like Universal Declaration of human rights, the international covenant on civil and political rights, and six treaties of the African Union including the African charter on Human and people’s rights.

Led by Gilbert Sendugwa, executive director, Africa Freedom of information Center say, African governments should effectively adopt and implement access to information in line with model law on access to information for African union member states adopted by the African commission on human and people’s Rights in 2013.
“Article 9 of the African Charter on Human and peoples’ rights provides that; “every individual shall have the right to receive information and the right to express and disseminate his/her opinions within the law.” He said.
Ekado Francis, head of information, Transparency international Uganda urged government to actively undertake awareness of citizens of their right to information and how they can exercise it under the law.
In the same vein, Marie Nanyanzi, program officer Sauti za Wananchi Twaweza East Africa called upon government to adopt and effectively implement measures to promote transparency of Covid 19 procurements and access to information on Covid 19 response in general.

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