Home news President Museveni amends list of Cabinet ministers

President Museveni amends list of Cabinet ministers


I hereby inform the country that By virtue of the authority given to the President of Uganda by Articles: 108(2), 108A(1), 113(1) and 114(1) of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, That here below I publish a slightly amended list of the cabinet of Uganda:

  1. H.E. the Vice president – HON. JESSICA ALUPO
    MAJ ( RTD);

2. Rt. Hon Prime Minister – RT. HON. ROBINAH
And Leader of Government NABBANJA;
Business in Parliament

3. 1st Deputy Prime Minister and – RT. HON. REBECCA

4. Minister for East African KADAGA;
Community Affairs

5. 2nd Deputy Prime minister – RT. HON. GEN.
and Deputy leader of Government MOSES ALI;
Business in Parliament

6. 3rd Deputy Prime Minister and – HON. LUKIA
Minister without Port-folio NAKADAMA;

7. Minister of Education and Sports – HON. MUSEVENI

8. Minister, office of the President – MS MARIAM DHOKA
(Presidency) BABALANDA;

9. Minister, office of the President – HON. JIM
(Security) MUHWEEZI;

10. Minister, office of the President – DR. MUSENERO
Serviced by the State House MONICA;
Comptroller, in Charge of Science,
Technology and Innovation

11. Minister for Kampala Capital – HAJATI MINSA
and Metropolitan Affairs KABANDA;

12. Minister, office of the Prime – RT. HON. KASULE
Minister (General duties) LUMUMBA;

13. Government Chief Whip – OBUA DENIS

14. Minister, Office of the Prime – HON. ONEK
Minister (Relief, Disaster HILARY;
Preparedness and Refugees)

15. Minister for Karamoja Affairs – HON. PETER

16. Minister of Agriculture, Animal – HON. FRANK
Industry and Fisheries TUMWEBAZE;

17. Minister of Constitutional – HON. NOBERT MAO;

18. Attorney General – MR. KIRYOWA

19. Minister of Defence and – HON. OBOTH
Veterans Affairs MARKSON JACOB;

20. Minister of Energy and Minerals – HON. RUTH
Development NANKABIRWA;

21. Minister of Finance, Planning – HON. MATIA
and Economic Development KASAIJA;

22. Minister of Foreign Affairs – HON. JEJE ODONGO

23. Minister of Gender, Labour – HON. BETTY
and Social Development AMONGI;

24. Minister of Health – HON. JANE ACENG;

25. Minister of Information, – DR. CHRIS
Communications Technology BARYOMUNSI;
and National Guidance

26. Minister of Internal Affairs – HON. KAHINDA

27. Minister of Lands, Housing – HON. JUDITH
and Urban Development NABAKOOBA;

28. Minister of Local Government – HON. RAPHAEL

29. Minister of Public service – HON. MURUULI

30. Minister of Tourism, – HON. TOM BUTIME;
Wildlife and antiquities

31. Minister of Trade, Industry – HON. FRANCIS
and Cooperatives MWEBESA;

32. Minister of Water and – HON. CHEPTORIS
Environment SAM MANGUSHO;

33. Minister of Works – HON. EDWARD
and Transport KATUMBA WAMALA;
Office of the President:

34. Minister of State, Office of the – HON. BEATRICE
President (Economic Monitoring) AKELLO;

35. Minister of State, Office of the – HON. AKELLO ROSE;
President (Ethics and Integrity)
Office of the Vice President:

36. Minister of State, Office of – HON. MUTASINGWA
the Vice President DIANA NANKUNDA;
Office of the Prime Minister:

37. Minister of State, Office of the – HON. LILLIAN ABER;
Prime Minister (Relief, Disaster
Preparedness and refugees)

38. Minister of State, Office of the – DR OMONA
Prime Minister (Northern Uganda) KENNETH;

39. Minister of State, Office of the – HON. WAMALA
Prime Minister (Karamoja) NAMBOZO FLORENCE;

40. Minister of State, Office of the – HON. ALICE KABOYO
Prime Minister (Luwero Triangle-Rwenzori Region)

Minister of State, Office of the Prime Minister (Bunyoro Affairs)- HON. KACHA

Minister of State, Office of the Prime Minister (Teso Affairs) – HON. DR. OBOTE ONGALO;

Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries:

Minister of State for Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (Agriculture) – HON. FRED KYAKULAGA BWINO;

Minister of State for Agriculture, Animal Industry and ; Fisheries (Animal Industry)- HON. BRIGHT RWAMIRAMA

Minister of State for Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (Fisheries)- HON. ADOA HELLEN

Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs:

Deputy Attorney General – HON. KAFUUZI
Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs

Minister of State for Defense – HON. SARAH
and Veteran Affairs (Defence) NYIRABASHITSI

Minister of State for Defence – HON. OLERU HUDA;
and Veteran Affairs (Veteran Affairs)
Ministry of East African Affairs

Minister of State for East – HON. MAGODE IKUYA;
African Affairs
Ministry of Education and Sports:

Minister of State for Education – HON. DR. MUYINGO
and Sports (Higher Education) JOHN CHRYSOSTOM;

Minister of State for Education – HON. DR. MORIKU
and Sports (Primary Education) JOYCE KADUCU;

Minister of State for Education – HON. PETER OGWANG;
and Sports (Sports)
Ministry of Energy and Minerals Development:

Minister of State for Energy and – HON. OKASAI
Minerals Development (Energy) SIDRONIUS OPOLOT;

Minister of State for Energy and – HON. NYAMUTORO
Minerals Development (Minerals) PHIONA;
Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development:

Minister of State for Finance, – HON. HENRY MUSAASIZI;
Planning and Economic Development (General Duties)

Minister of State for Finance, – HON. AMOS LUGOLOOBI;
Planning and Economic Development (Planning)

Minister of State for Finance, – HON. ANITE EVELYN;
Planning and Economic
Development (Privatization and Investment)

Minister of State for Finance, – HON. KYEYUNE
Planning and Economic HARUNA KASOLO;
Development (Micro-Finance)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

Minister of State for Foreign – HON. ORYEM OKELLO;
Affairs (International Affairs)

Minister of State for Foreign – HON. JOHN MULIMBA;
Affairs (Regional Affairs)
Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development:

Minister of State for Gender, – HON. PEACE MUTUZO;
Labour and Social Development
(Gender and Culture)

Minister of State for Gender, – MR. BALAM
Labour and Social Development BARUGAHARA;
(Youth and Children Affairs)

Minister of State for Gender, – HON. ANYAKUN
Labour and Social Development ESTHER DAVINIA;
(Employment and Industrial Relations)

Minister of State for Gender, – HON. HELLEN
Labour and Social Development ASAMO;
(Disability Affairs)

Minister of State for Gender, – HON. GIDUDU
Labour and Social Development MAFABI;
(Elderly Affairs)
Ministry of Health:

Minister of State for Health – HON. BANGIRANA KAWOYA;
(General Duties)
34.Minister of State for Health – HON. MARGARET
(Primary Health Care) MUHAANGA;
Ministry of Information, Communications Technology and National

Minister of State for Information, – HON. JOYCE
National Guidance (Information) SEBUGWAWO;

Minister of State for Information, – HON. KABYANGA
Communications Technology and GODFRY BARUKU;
National Guidance (National Guidance)
Ministry of internal Affairs:

Minister of State for – HON. DAVID MUHOOZI;
internal Affairs
Ministry of Kampala capital City and Metropolitan Affairs:

Minister of State for Kampala – HON. KABUYE KYOFA;
capital City and Metropolitan Affairs:
Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development:

Minister of State for Lands, Housing – HON. NAMUGANZA
and Urban Development (Housing) PERSIS;

Minister of State for Lands, Housing – HON. OBIGA KANIA;
and Urban Development (Urban Development)

Minister of State for Lands, – HON. SAM MAYANJA;
Housing and Urban Development (Lands)
Ministry of Local Government:

Minister of State for Local Government – HON. VICTORIA
Ministry of public Service

Minister of State for public Service Ministry of tourism Wildlife and Antiquities:- HON. GRACE MARY

Minister of State foe tourism and Antiquities – HON. MARTIN

Ministry of trade, industry and Cooperatives

Minister of State for Trade Industry and Cooperatives (Cooperatives) – HON. GUME FREDRICK;

Minister of State for trade, industry and Cooperatives (Industry) – HON. BAHATI DAVID

Minister of State for trade, industry and Cooperatives (Trade)- GEN. WILSON MBASU MBADI;

Ministry of Water and Environment:

Minister of State for water and Environment (environment)- HON BEATRICE ANYWAR;

Minister of State for water and Environment (Water) Ministry of works and Transport: – HON. AISHA SEKKINDI;

Minister of State for works and Transport (Works)- HON. MUSA ECHWERU;

Minister of State for works and Transport (Transport)- HON. FRED BYAMUKAMA;

Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Gen. (rtd)

Their Schedules will be given to them later.

ASIO OMASWA – Principal Private Secretary.

IRENE BIRUNGYI – Deputy PPS transferred to
the Ministry of Public service for deployment.


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