peaker of Parliament Anita Among has given birth to a set of twins.
Among, who has been absent from Parliament business for nearly a month, is said to have given birth to the twins on Monday, 23 October 2023.
However, the gender of the twins was yet to be revealed by press time as well as the hospital where she gave birth from.
Her deputy, Thomas Tayebwa, was among the first people to break the good news.
“With great Joy, I congratulate my brother Moses Magogo and my sister the Rt. Hon Speaker Anitah Among upon the double bundle of joy.
You are now Ssalongo and Nnalongo. Congratulations once again,” Tayebwa posted on X, formerly Twitter.
Prime Minister, Rt Hon. Nabanjja tweeted. Rt Hon Deputy Speaker, thank you and allow me to join all Ugandans to celebrate and congratulate my sister, the Rt. Hon Speaker Nalongo Anita Among and thank her for giving my grand son Hon Magogo another great name Salongo. Congratulations, May God bless you and our new babies.
Buikwe Woman MP Daina Mutasingwa also congratulated the Speaker of Parliament.
“Congratulations to my friend Anitah Among and also our esteemed Speaker of Parliament on this beautiful addition to their family.
Children truly are a blessing, and those who nurture them are equally special. “Blessings,” she posted.
This comes about a year after Among and Magogo tied the knot in a private ceremony in Kampala.
Catholic Church also tweeted that.”Congratulations Dear Speaker of Parliament of Uganda upon your Twins