Home healthy The National Drug Authority closes unlicensed drug shops in Western Uganda

The National Drug Authority closes unlicensed drug shops in Western Uganda

Rwizi Regional police officer deliver some of the impounded boxes of drugs at National Drug Authority offices in Mbarara city on Friday August 25, 2023(Photo/Courtesy)

Joyce Namugambe

The National drug authority closed over 150 unlicensed drug shops and impounded 340 boxes of assorted medicines worth 85 millions of shillings across 9 districts in Western Uganda.

The operation which happened for 5 days in Kamwenge, Isingiro, Kitagwenda, Ibanda, Kiruhurwa, Ntungamo, Kasese, Mbarara, Rwampara and Mbarara city, took actions on drug shops operating without operating licences, and those employing unqualified personnel.

The National drug authority head of department Samuel Kyomukama noted that the operation aimed at safeguarding people’s health by ensuring that the regulations that govern the sale and distribution of medicines and health products are followed, thereby closing those drug shops operating unlawfully.

Kyomukama cautioned people to purchase medicines from authorised and licenced pharmacies and drug shops and arged people to be vigilant and report any suspected drug related crimes.

The Mbarara district Ventinary  officer Dr. Ronald Mujuni also showed concern over the increased rate of selling unlicensed Ventinary drugs and called upon the the National drug authority to adress the issue and ensure the safety of both human beings and animals.

The south western regional inspector of drugs Dr. Kenneth Kiiza said that numerous drugs have regestered their drug shops for licences thereby expressing that the operation has yielded a positive impact.

The National drug authority communications officer Abiaz Rwamiri said that the operations aimed at upholding NDA rules and guidelines to enaure that drugs on market are of the right standards. He added that the NDA is determined to continuously adress the offenders.

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