Home news The new appointed LoP Hon. Joel Ssenyonyi MP Nakawa west has...

The new appointed LoP Hon. Joel Ssenyonyi MP Nakawa west has been announced


The Speaker of Parliament Anita Among has this afternoon announced Nakawa west MP Joel Ssenyonyi has the new Leader of Opposition.

This has been declared during the speaker’s communication in plenary where he congratulated Ssenyonyi upon his appointment as Lop.

Speaker Among guided Ssenyonyi to always consult with the office of the speaker and also reminded him that the office of the LOP is about intellectualism not flexibility.

She also thanked the outgoing LOP Mathias Mpuuga also MP Nyendo-Mukungwe Division who has been in the position for two and half years since 2021 for the great work done.

Meanwhile in the some session the newly appointed opposition chief whip John Baptist Nambeshe also Manjiya county MP nominated Mathias Mpuuga as the commissioner which was seconded by the opposition side.

SB Nambeshe-MpuugaCommissioner.

However, the NRM side has maintained the former commissioners as read by the government chief whip Denis Obua and these included Solomon Silwanyi MP Bukooli county, Prossy Mbabazi Akampulira District Woman MP Rubanda and Esther Afoyochan zombo District Woman MP who were subjected to a vote of approval in parliament by the speaker of Parliament Anita Among.

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