Home football Villa park has been demolished.

Villa park has been demolished.


Friday 23rd August 2019.

The home of SC Villa, Villa park has been demolished, the grounds has acted as the home and official training ground of SC Villa and many other clubs in the country’s history is no longer due to the road extension which has taken the course.

SC Villa was last month speculated to get a some of between two and three billion Uganda shillings for compensation which they could use to relocate the club but that is yet to be known, today the engineers have raided the site and started the construction.

Villa park has also been a key support to Kampala Central District football Association many of the grounds in that footballing district including Nakivubo stadium were taken down for other developments.

SC Villa has been at Villa park for more than 40 years which legalise them as bonafied occupants of the land though the title belongs to Uganda Railways corporation but the “Kibanja” owner has the rights to compensation.

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