Home news Minister Kaboyo hands over Tarehe sita projects to Greater Busoga.

Minister Kaboyo hands over Tarehe sita projects to Greater Busoga.


State Minister in the office of the Prime Minister for Luwero triangle and Rwenzori region Hon Alice Kaboyo arged school management of Nagugi college school in Busoga to train students in this school the history of the country so that they understand the role the UPDF played towards the country’s Victory.

She mentioned this during the hand over ceremony of the Tarehe sita projects in Greater Busoga one being a two classroom block for Nagugi college and a maternity ward at Ndohwe health centre II in Buswale subcounty Namayingo district, Greater Busoga.

Minister noted that children need to grow up while understanding the role that different people played towards the country’s well being such as the UPDF so that they can as well get the spirit of nationalism.

She commended the role played by the current government of Uganda in giving people freedom to do what they want fearlessly and the spirit of giving people chance to participate in different activities without discriminations siting the recruitment procedure in the army.

When the Minister was handing over the 2 classroom block at Nagugi college school, the Woman MP Namayingo district Margret Makoha commended the UPDF for working together with the people of Namayingo and reported to the minister that it is hard for children to move to the schools due to long distances as this has increased the rate of school drop outs and teenage pregnancies and commended the UPDF for the structures, calling upon residents to make good use of the school.

She challenged men who impregnate girls and lead to their dropping out from school and cautioned them to stop. She appealed to government to construct a vocational institute in the area to help girls who don’t get a chance to complete their education in schools.

In the same way, while Hon Kaboyo was handing over the maternity ward at Ndohwe health centre II, MP Margret revealed that Namayingo is a hard to reach area and is challenged by water shortage and expressed the need to be helped in issues concerning water supply such as through government programs of water pumping, irrigation among other projects.

She as well expressed concern over the poverty levels in Namayingo especially among the fishermen since they can’t afford to buy good fishing gears and asked that parliament proposes an affirmative action for the people of Busoga more so special grants for fishermen in Busoga, and urged people in Namayingo to engage in government programs to fight poverty.

Minister Kaboyo pledged another classroom block for Nagugi college school and Iron sheets for the pit latrine in Ndohwe health centre II.

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