Home motorsport Hon Jimmy Akena beats former president George Kagimu to become new FMU...

Hon Jimmy Akena beats former president George Kagimu to become new FMU president

President elect Akena with his opponent George during the assembly(Juma Ali)


Hon. Jimmy Akena, the leader of Uganda People’s Congress (UPC), the MP for Lira City and also the son of former president of Uganda late Milton Obote, has won the Federation of Motorsport Uganda(FMU) 2024 presidential elections following the landslide victory over two time former president Uncle George Kagimu and rally ace John Barrows Lumu at the Federation’s electoral AGM held on Wednesday May 1st at kati kati restaurant, Lugogo.

The new elected president, Hon. Akena, got 57 votes while former Mukono Municipality mayor George Kagimu who was the runners up got 16 and John Burrows Lumu got 1 vote.

Hon. Akena, has replaced FMU president out going leader Dipu Ruparellia in a four year term of office.

While addressing the press in a post election press briefing, Hon. Akena said now it’s time to work hard for the good of the sport and i apply to those who have lost to come and we work together.

In the post of vice president, Haji Hamid Gombe won with 55 votes while his opponent Julius Sserunjogi got 19 votes.

In the post of vice president in-charge of motor cycling, Arthur Blick Jr defeated George Ssemakula with 34 against 29 votes while Apolot Dabele (mama Fortune Ssentamu) got 11 votes.

Raymond Kibira won unopposed for the post of general secretary.

Joshua Mayanja also won unopposed for the post of deputy vice president of motor rally.

Angela Semukutu also won unopposed for the post of deputy vice president in-charge of tourism and safety.

Jackson Serwanga also won unopposed for the post of assistant general secretary.

Of the 15 clubs ,only 14 clubs voted with each club with 5 members electing while Mbarara motor club failed to send their delegates.

Delegates at the assembly (Photo/Juma Ali)


Rally driver Ambrose Byonna, who was found at kati kati restaurant during the election promised his fans for his come back shortly after the pearl of Africa rally round.

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