Home news NRM staff tipped on financial independence

NRM staff tipped on financial independence


The staff of the NRM Secretariat have been tipped on how to manage their incomes to enhance personal growth and development.

In an induction on financial literacy organized at the NRM secretariat at plot 10, Kyadondo road, Professor Lawrence Ssemwogerere advised members to always endeavor to save from their salaries and invest in other businesses to expand the sources of income.

“Salary can never be enough to cater for your needs. It is therefore important to begin a side business from the little money saved if one is to attain financial independence,” Prof. Ssemwogerere noting, that the financial independence among employees improves on their wellbeing and productivity because they are not stressed about debts.

“Although taking a loan to expand business is important” Ssemwogerere advised that the debt should be manageable to ensure that it is serviced.

Todwong on expensive lifestyles

The NRM Secretary General, Rt. Hon. Richard Todwong who opened the one-day training said knowledge on finance management is very key to whoever that interacts with money.

He urged the staff to avoid living extravagant lifestyles like driving expensive cars, buying expensive gadgets, organizing parties among others which are expensive to maintain.

“You need to maximize savings from the incomes you earn. Nobody will forgive you for being poor yet you have a job,” the secretariat head said.
He also called upon the young people to develop the discipline of foregoing unnecessary entertainment because they take away their little hard earned money. “Learn the culture of saving. Have it in you that I need to build at least a small house from my savings.”

Amb. Barbara Nekesa, the NRM National treasurer who gave the closing remarks reiterated the need for everyone to create other avenues of incomes other than relying on the salary that may never be enough to maintain a decent life.
She urged the staff to always follow a budget before they start to spend.

 “Don’t come up with expenses that are over and above your income to avoid borrowing,” Nekesa said.

The NRM director of Mobilisation, Hon. Rosemary Sseninde who organized the induction assured the members of staff of the party’s commitment to improve their lives through more resourceful training. 
“The party will endeavor to empower you to get financial independence in fulfillment of the NRM manifesto of 2021-2026,” Sseninde said.

Other notable party principals that attended the training include Hon. Emanuel Dombo, the director of communication and Counsel Awich Pollar, the director of External affairs.  

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