Home news Police rescues Hon Francis Mwijukye from land attack

Police rescues Hon Francis Mwijukye from land attack


The MP for Buhweju County Hon Francis Mwijukye on 12/05/2024 survived attack by the people who claim to be the owners of the land where Rwanyabare Catholic church was constructed.

Hon Mwijukye was stoned by a group of People in Buhweju West Constituency, Nyakishana Sub County, at Rwanyabare Catholic church in Buhweju District after a church service.

This happened after Him Mwijukye attended a church service and Christians informed him about a neighbour who threatens to evict the church claiming ownership of the land where the it was constructed.

After the service, Hon Mwijukye and some Christians moved on part of the land which sparked off the attack from a group of people protecting that land, and Hon Mwijukye got serious injuries on the head.

The statement issued by Police showed that Hon. Mwijukye attended a church service and tried to address land issues which is not in his constituency but was rescued by police and taken to Nsiika Health Centre iv where he is being treated after the serious head injury that he got during the attack.

Police further reveals that the land matter is before the Buhweju District Security Committee headed by RDC Nicholas Nuwagaba.

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